Except for those benefiting from
South Sudan as a rent state, the country is, unequivocally, a failed state. But
I'm not "a bad-wicher!" [as Mr. Ateny Wek would accuse folks like
me]. I'm just tired. Really tired!
I've been doing this for more than two decades. My fellow citizens who used to
call me names for criticizing you are now calling you vile names I dare not
repeat here.
I was only then a concerned, albeit a young, citizen who knew your
revolutionary record as a led-leader. You are good, even efficient, at
following orders, at being guided, being told what to do.
I didn't see you as a leader of your people! I thought you were a stabilizing
force from behind a leader.
In 2005, my fellow citizens thought I was a mindless, peace-disturbing kid who
didn't know what he was saying. Why was I seeing in you what they didn't see?
They see you now, Mr. President! Clearly! But too late I guess!
Thank you for socio-politically Khartoumizing South Sudan! Thank you for Ibrahim-Abbouding, Jaafer-Nimeiring, and Omer-Beshiring yourself! Thank you for turning SPLM into a totalitarian machine!
Today, in every part of the country, there is either ethnic feud or massacres, a full-blown civil war, or senseless deaths through cattle wrestling.
Yes, the humblest of men, the most successful president in the history of the world, is only focused obsessively on his mindless decrees and those with whom he shares the spoils from oil monies.
Bravo, Bilpam Akech, for an accurate commentary! "Kiir Must Stay!" you say! He must stay on to make South Sudan a-slave-labor state!
South Sudanese, Mr. President is so kind that you remain quiet when you go for more than a year without salaries. You love him so much that you sing praises to him as you die of hunger, diseases, floods, ethnic violence, state oppression, and mere stupidity of his ethnic and yäc-centered cheer-leading minions. Their ceaseless panegyric has become nauseating.
Thank you, Mr. President, for turning a beautiful country into a place where citizens tell their fellow citizens to "go back to their ancestral lands." Thank you for making South Sudan a place where South Sudanese are so secure that they move from their ancestral lands to go and inconvenience, through no fault of their own, the lives of their fellow citizens in other parts of the country. Kudos!
Thank you, Mr. President, for making me understand what you meant by "no reverse gear" in 2005. I thought it meant a full-speed sprint to social development and economic success.
A true Land of Milk and Honey!
I didn't know what you meant was an-SPLM-bullet-train to mediocrity, disorder, anarchy, death, violence and slavery.
Thank you for making South Sudan the only country in the world were citizens work for free. Scholars of slavery and historians tell us that slavery is about ownership of the people, especially their labor.
South Sudan has become your fiefdom, à la King Leopold II. That you don't pay them is testimonial of your control over their free labor.
We know what would happen if South Sudanese protest, even peacefully! Bullets...as your nephew (Thiik) and your government spokesperson (Makuei) have warned! And Bilpam Akech has spoken for you: South Sudanese should COMMIT SUICIDE (hang themselves) if they don't like the amazing country the humblest man in the world has built!
Thank you for making more than a century of a peoples' struggle mean your transformation into an absolute king, a colonialist ruling over subject people from Juba, a neocolonial metropole.
These are subject people about whom you don’t care! Or do you?