Some people think that being Racist is to kill people of other Races or to insult them without compunction. That's some anachronistic way of looking at Racism. Witty people disguise ways in which they brandish the wand of their Racist desires.
Only the stupid can be overtly Racist! Being Racist in our contemporary application is to act in a way that gives you good reasons not to be suspected. You can be Racist but still praised for the same action that you know you performed out of Racist desires.
Multiculturalism is the chief culprit when it comes to fostering Racism. It helps the powerful, mainstream societies to stay away from other Races. This helps them nurture their feelings and thoughts about other Races. The more Races mix the more they come to know about one another and the more hateful fables are gotten rid of. The segregating nature of multiculturalism helps people who harbor hateful feelings to actually augment them with fantastic and fabulous stories.
This compartmentalizing nature of multiculturalism makes sure that the only information mainstream and power-holding communities have comes from the media. And as we know the media has to put a spin on stories to make them interesting. What's concoctted is what these communities become. No need to be careful!
Hiring Managers and CEOs can hide behind 'we need qualified individuals!' Well, I have friends of mine who hold advanced degrees with strong experiences but they were mysteriously denied jobs. The media ignores any good things happening in some communities and only talk about these communities when it comes to death or something that reflects the community as indecently and uncanadian.
Western News Matra: Good news is no news (unless it's our own)...bad news is always needed news.
A TV reporter ignores a plea from some ethnic communities but end up later showing a story of a lost 'rooster' or a 'cat.' 'Awe, it's so cute!" You just got to love this society.
However, some people might say that this isn't Racism. You'll tell me what it is.
These people have internalized the importance of who they are. They see what they do as more important than what others do. "After all, they came to 'our' country!"
Race helps in selecting what is deemed worthy as consumable news for Canadians. An African community doing a fund-raising event for development issues in their home country is less important than a lost 'rooster.' If Race is not actively and directly relevant to the decision-making, then it's the internalizing of self-imporance that helps.
Even when we think we aren't Racists, we sure are being so.
However, let's remember that being Racist is an attempt to mask a void in one's self. Racism is a result of being inadequate; being fearful of the person one discriminates against. People who are comfortable with who they are don't become Racists. They are so content with who they are that what others mean to them is only a learning opportunity not an occasion to be scared of the whatsis of others.
(Editing ongoing!)
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