Citizens' Power Photo: www.hec.edu |
Shouldn’t citizens speak up and regain their power from these callous traitors of national
conscience? Shouldn’t citizens stop the madness that’s plundering national funds
on expensive cars on impassable roads and mansions in foreign countries? Isn’t
it shameful and unconscionable that some hardly have anything to eat as others
drive in hundred thousand sport utility vehicles? Isn’t it shameful that some
folks are sleeping in expensive hotels as mothers and children beg for food in the
street or die of preventable diseases? Aren’t you ashamed of yourself when
workers go for months without salaries as you sleep in a hotel paid for by the
guess any reasonable answers can’t be obtained because national security
agents are the protectors of these people; the people whose consciences are
devilish but protected as patriots by national security apparatuses! So in a
way, I’m wasting my time! But am I really wasting my time in writing this
polemical article?
really! If you read it and your conscience doesn’t get affected, then you
belong in the zoo! If you read this piece and you get affected but feel
powerless then you can be excused but still held complicit in the rape of functional structures
of national prosperity! And if you read this and get affected but feel afraid
for your life then, I hear you…but pass it along to sensitize the people!
People should have the power not the callous tribal elites!
your nation from these treasonous elites or you’re part of this negative
political orgy: the unconscionable destruction of the nation.
South Sudan, the ruling political elites use national security to safeguard
their treasonable, behind the doors tribal schemes. Instead of using resources
and national institutions to protect the soul of the nation—citizens—these gluttonous
traitors use national security, the police force and the national army to
legitimize intimidation of civilians and disenfranchisement of the citizenry.
The government has ceased to serve the people. It’s become their enemy with all
the state security structures aimed at eliminating the voices of the people.
Sudan has become a police state, a giant prison. National security departments
have been tasked with the role of determining when and whether or not someone
should leave the country. Is that freedom we fought for? What’s the business of
national security in the private business of citizens? How’s an assault on
citizens’ rights and freedoms not a treasonable offence? This has to change!
South Sudan is not a prison for politicians to seek permission to leave?
National passports are a permission for citizens’ exit and entry…as many times
as they want!
my fellow South Sudanese who are part of national security, we are not your
enemy! We are not the enemy of South Sudan. All of us want our children to grow
up in a prosperous country where everyone is treated equal with no tribal
preference. But remember that you are protecting the interest of a few elites
who don’t even care about you. Please protect the country from those who are
actually destroying it.. Wake up and realize that you are being used
for the destruction of the country. You’ve been used to turn South Sudan into a
PRISON, a gigantic PRISON! Is that what you want? No! You’re better citizens
than that!
nation in which citizens are free easily prospers. Be protectors of citizens
not their intimidators! Let citizens write freely within the law! Stop
censoring newspapers. Let citizens express their opinions freely on air, online
or in print! Tackle those who abuse freedom of speech through the courts not
through arbitrary arrests and censorship! Censorship of newspapers was the
tradition of Khartoum, the enemy we fought for more than 50 years?
been turned into the very oppressor we wanted to get rid of! Please wake up! Nothing
is as beautiful as a nation that protects national freedoms: religion, speech,
political associations. Wouldn’t it be beautiful for South Sudan to be called
the nation with the freest press in Africa because of professional of the National
Security of South Sudan! Think about it!
would like both the citizens and national security to take their power back
from the elites. They should remember that they have been turned against one
another to protect the continuation of treasonous deeds of the ruling elites.
freedom reign! Let citizens speak! Let South Sudan be the freest county in
Africa! Let us dream however costly!
*The Philosophical Refugee